Library Sections/Units

a)    Technical section

Technical (Processing) Section plays a key role to function the library. It makes a bridge between the acquisitions of documents, to the Circulation. KLIC’s Technical Processing Section also plays a vital role to run the functioning of this library services smoothly.

The purpose of the KLIC’s Technical Services Section is to provide related to collection development; the acquisition of library materials, including serials; preservation; automation and cataloging. It is dedicated to the coordinated development of library resources and to ready access to such resources. The Section promotes communication, The Section members also seek to represent library technical services issues to other Sections within the Library, as well as to groups and persons outside the Library. To help meet these goals, concerted effort is made to assure section staffs are witty with applicable programs used; through consultations and idea sharing within and outside KLIC.

b)   Circulation /Information /Reference Section

Circulation Section is the gateway between users and documents so it plays a major role to any Library and Information System. It is the main public service point of the Library. It currently serves as circulation desk and Reference/Information/Inquiry desk. The section is located on the ground floor; near the main entrance of the library.

As a reference desk or information desk of a library is a public service counter where professional librarians provide library users with direction to library materials, advice on library collections and services, and expertise on multiple kinds of information from multiple sources.

c)    Reprographic Section & Business Centre

This is the library section concerned with reproduction of information materials within the library. It serves both for library operational purposes as well as opens to the general public as a business center where documentation is carried out at a nominal fee. It is located in the ground floor where all reproduction and documentation businesses are carried out.

It is stocked with equipment such as multipurpose copier, Flatbed inkjet hp scanner, laminating machine, paper cutter Documentations of bigger volumes are contracted to business firm to undertake the activity due to the current machines capabilities. A keen consideration is observed to ensure all document reproduction does not violates the copyright and neighboring laws that govern the profession.

d)   Reading Room

KLIC’s reading room is located in the 1st floor of the library building. It has a sitting capacity of 85 persons at the same sitting; with spacious reading tables and seats. As a reading room, maximum silence is emphasized through wall hanging and overlying tags – where no phone calls are allowed, neither is discussions during peak hours.

The Library currently does not have a discussion room for group discussion among clients. However, provision is made available with desks under the library tree shades. Collection of fiction are shelved in the open access shelves on one side of the reading room - for reading at leisure as they pick and read titles appealing to their interests.

On the same floor is the lavatory for the clients. Special provisions are arranged for people with disability on the ground floor for their reading space.

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