PUBLISHED — 13th, March 2017

Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) is pleased to announce it has received a €951,504 grant from the European Commission. These funds will go towards financing the implementation of the Kampala Climate Change Action Plan.  Kampala was  among the seven selected pilot Cities to receive the grant after a competitive process following a call for proposals by the European Union.


 "There were many, many proposals submitted from across the whole of Sub-Saharan Africa. Therefore I would like to congratulate the KCCA team for putting together a very successful proposal and for being so competitive. With this EU grant, Kampala is already a winner. We now look forward to this proposal translating into tangible actions, results and lasting impact. We hope this partnership will stimulate economic and social development and improve the quality of life of citizens.  What we all hope for and aspire to achieve is a clean, healthy and safe city, hopefully combined with efficient mobility"— Kristian SchmidtEU Head of Delegation in Uganda.


The project will be implemented over a period of 3 years with the objective of developing a low carbon and climate resilient Kampala.

The development of the Kampala Climate Change Action Strategy started in 2014 to support KCCA’s vision of transforming Kampala into a vibrant, attractive and sustainable city.

The project will build the resilience of the city to the impacts of climate change and protect the city’s residents, especially the poor and vulnerable through targeting key areas of energy efficiency; renewable energy; integrated urban planning and greening; urban agriculture; intercity experience sharing; air quality and GHG monitoring;

The grant is also aimed at supporting Kampala to develop and implement a city climate action plan in the framework of the initiative of the Covenant of Mayors in Sub Saharan Africa (COM SSA). The COM SSA is an initiative to increase the capacities of cities to provide access to sufficient, sustainable and safe energy related services to urban and peri-urban populations.


“With the support provided by the CoMO SSA team and led by the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) in the preparation of the project proposals, we are glad to see that your city has been selected for funding. Thus, we are happy to work together and support you further in the implementation of the project activities and welcome you soon as one of the first signatories of the CoM SSA initiative.”— Eva Baños de Guisasola, CoMO SSA Representative.

KCCA extends appreciation to the European Union and the Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa for the support.


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